Gene's Note: Wish Upon a Star

February is a special month here at Rogue. Right around this time each year, we kick-off our community involvement through our Giving Local Program, awarding donations and sponsorships to community partners that help to make Southern Oregon a great place for us all. The communities that Rogue serves are unique places, with unique needs, and it is moving every year to see how our members come together to help us live out the cooperative spirit of “people helping people.” Before we get too far into 2020, I would like to take some time to reflect on the incredible ways in which, you, our loyal member-owners, came together in 2019 to change lives and make a difference in our community.

As we moved through 2019, I was so proud of what we accomplished in 2018 that I also found myself skeptical that we would be able to sustain this donation level going forward. Wow… was I wrong! Our incredible member-owners banded together once again to help Rogue raise over $132,000 in 2019 for local Children’s Miracle Network hospitals through Credit Unions for Kids! Similar to the prior year, over half of this amount came straight from our generous members. I am absolutely blown away at the generosity that our members and Rogue team members have shown, and the impact that it has on our communities.

While I’m proud that Rogue has been fortunate to support Children’s Miracle Network hospitals  through Credit Unions for Kids for many years, I am also excited to share about a fantastic program in Roseburg, known as Wish Upon A Star, where Rogue was the Title Sponsor for in 2019 . Rogue opened its first branch in Roseburg in November 2015, and in the four years that we have been there, I have truly been touched by how this community is able to come together for those in need. For those unfamiliar with Wish Upon A Star, it is a program hosted by 541 Radio in which people in the Roseburg area are able to nominate deserving individuals who may need a little extra help during the holiday season. I would like to share a couple of touching stories about how you, our member-owners, were able to help out our fellow Southern Oregonians simply through choosing to be a member of Rogue Credit Union.

One Wish Upon A Star nominee has been battling breast cancer for four years. The chemotherapy treatment that she receives every three weeks unfortunately caused her teeth to breakdown. She was having difficulty eating due to the damage, and would struggle to smile as she felt uncomfortable with the way that her teeth looked. Through the Wish Upon A Star program, this wish recipient was able to receive needed dental care to help her smile again.

Another nomination came in for a family who had lost nearly everything when they experienced a bad car accident in a winter storm as they tried to make their way over the Siskiyou’s in late November. Wish Upon A Star was able to help this family get new beds so their children were no longer sleeping on the floor, as well as gift cards to help replace lost clothing and household items. These are just a couple examples of the ways the Wish Upon A Star program is helping to change the lives of folks in our Roseburg community. We could not be happier to partner with an organization such as 541 Radio, that is committed to taking care of our own, and making Southern Oregon a better place for us all. 

I am so proud to live here in Southern Oregon and work for Rogue Credit Union, where our members are committed to taking care of each other. Being a member has always been about being part of something bigger. Your membership here is more than an auto loan or a checking account; it is about joining together to make a meaningful difference for you and your community.  Whether that be through donations to Children’s Miracle Network hospitals, sponsoring Wish Upon A Star or other efforts through Rogue’s giving back, it is evident that when our members join together in the spirit of “people helping people” we are all better for it! Living, Giving and Supporting local… it truly is a Rogue thing.

I love to hear stories about how our members make a difference in our community. So, please share any experiences where you or someone you know made a positive difference for someone in our community.