system upgrade complete

After the Upgrade


What do I need to do AFTER the System Upgrade?

Now that the upgrade is complete, all services and account information will be accessible. We will contact you directly if any special steps are needed, but for most members it will be getting used to a few changes:

  • Your member number will be changing.
  • Some account numbers may be changing.
  • Your statements will look different with improved readability.
  • If you have multiple memberships, your Member Number will be collapsed into your longest standing membership number and you’ll have just one login for online banking. 

Other Information:

Are there any other changes happening at this time?

  • Yes, we will also be transitioning away from using Dovenmuehle Mortgage as our third-party processor, to bringing all loans in house effective March 1.
    • Due to this transfer of servicing, members will not be able to submit a mortgage payment through online banking after close of business on February 21 through March 1. Any payments already established, will continue to process during this time. You can set up a payment through online banking prior to February 21, or give us a call or stop by your local branch prior to February 27.

Rogue Has Completed System Upgrade

What This Means

Rogue conducted a System Upgrade to better serve our members. This upgrade provides several service enhancements including the latest technology in financial services, enhanced security and more. As Rogue has continued to grow as a credit union, it is imperative that our technology and systems also keep up. While we frequently conduct routine maintenance that require small windows of downtime, this system upgrade was more significant, requiring full closure so that we can properly implement these new tools. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will branches and member contact center be available?

Is this conversion related to the merger with Malheur?

How do you pay a balance on a personal line line of credit or a home equity line of credit without closing account?

What happens to my tax return if I receive it after system upgrade?

Account Information

Will I need to order new checks?